Simplifying Being Human!
Specialist In: • Online Courses • Mental & Emotional Fitness Workshops/Webinars • Wellbeing • Self Leadership

Sue Kohn-Taylor, Founder of The Mental Fitness Company works with individuals and organisations offering online courses, coaching and tailored workplace training (in person or online) to build strong, healthy minds and fulfilling lives.
If you’re an individual seeking growth, connection & clarity, or a business leader looking for a team training solution, I can help. My training, coaching & courses have been designed to benefit a variety of situations and budgets. They all have one thing in common – building mental & emotional fitness, self-leadership, wellbeing and personal development.
From individuals, and small teams to full workplaces, I show individuals how to respond proactively and positively to daily life so that they can learn how to show up as their best self!
My training and coaching is relatable, direct and friendly, empowering individuals to manage their mindset, stress & pressure whilst staying energised and connected.
Learning mental & emotional fitness,and self leadership, will help individuals feel mentally & emotionally lighter, calmer & in control, happier & energised & connected!
Online Courses
Manage the ups & downs of work & life, and show up as your optimal self. Online or in person. 45 minutes to ½ days or bespoke programmes. Personal development is the key to individual & organisational success.
Topics can be themed to your requirements.
The Mental Fitness in Pictures

You're in Good Company
I’ve helped 1000’s of individuals and employees through my in person and online training and coaching. Here’s a sample of some of the companies I’ve worked with…..

Simplifying Being Human.
• Mental Fitness • Wellbeing • Self Leadership • E-Learning Hub
Whether you’re an individual seeking personal clarity, or a business leader looking for a team-wide solution, we can help. My training, coaching and courses have been designed to benefit a variety of situations and budgets, but they all have one thing in common: building mental fitness, wellbeing and the personal development of people.